Efficient Coding Classess

Course Details

Course Image

Python in Depth

What this course offers
  • Live classes of around 48 hrs.
  • Interview questions.
  • Mock Interview with an Industry experts.

Mock Interview at the start of the course – to access the proficiency level

  • What is Python and how is it different than other programming languages
  • Installing Python and Hello World
  • Python modules and Execution flow
  • Data Types and Input Outputs
  • Variables and scoping
  • Conditional statements, Truthiness
  • Control flow – continue, break, pass
  • Printing and comments
  • Functions - parameters, packing/unpacking, Type Hints
  • Python collection API’s
  • List comprehension and Dictionary comprehension
  • Maps, Filters and Lambdas
  • Generators and Decorators
Exception Handling
  • Errors and Exceptions
  • Exception hierarchy
  • Raising and catching exceptions
  • Custom Exceptions
File Handling
  • Reading writing different types of data
  • Opening and closing the files
  • Writing to files
  • Immutability
  • Multithreading – Synchronization and concurrency concepts in depth
  • Pickling Unpickling
  • Multiprocessing
  • Unit testing with Pytest and Mockito
  • Numpy
  • Pandas
Interview Questions List
Mock interview at the end of the course